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Thursday, August 30, 2018

Brag Tags

8:42 PM 1 Comments

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Hi Parents and Families!!!

Well, the first week of school is almost to an end.  As a class we are busy learning about each other and how to make this year be amazing and full of lots of learning.
Today students were introduced to Brag Tags, and I wanted to introduce them to you too!
As a part of my effective classroom management, I implement a really cool (I think) incentive in my classroom called Brag Tags.  Brag Tags are small cards students can earn throughout the year and place on a binder ring.  The binder ring is kept in school on a clip next to their cubby until the end of the year.  Students are given several opportunities to earn tags as part of their collection.
So how can your child earn some cool brag tags?  It's so easy! Students earn a tag or tags for positive class and school behavior.  For example, students earn tags for following direction, sharing, being independent, and being a great friend to others are just a few examples.  Students also receive a brag tag for holidays and their birthday.
How can parents and families help?  Please continue to encourage your child to love to go to school and have a positive growth mindset every day.  Binder rings are available for you to see anytime via ClassDojo or when you pop in for a visit.
Thank you for all of your support.  This year is going to be full of adventure and surprises!

Ms. Marcus

Monday, August 20, 2018

Welcome New 5th Graders!

7:38 AM 0 Comments
Image result for welcome floral
Hello hello!  I am so excited that you found my page, which means you received your welcome back letter in the mail.  I don't know about you, but I use to love getting those letters in the mail as a kid.  This year we are going to be able to communicate in three different ways...yes! 3 ways.  The first way is through  traditional avenues; notes via your child, phone calls, and emails.  This is not the most ideal way, for I cannot respond right away during the day.  The other ways are ClassDojo and this website.  I recommend messaging me through ClassDojo, I am able to respond within an hour.  If you have not heard of ClassDojo, please consider checking my post about ClassDojo: .  You can sign up directly without the code from me, just follow the steps on the website, just remember to click "I don't have a code".  The website is .  Even if you think you are signed up, you are not under my class and that is very very important to do.

Take a look around the website to gain some good information before school begins.  I hope to see you all this Thursday between 430pm-530pm for Welcome Back to school night.  I would love to meet everyone before school begins.
Ms. Marcus